Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Creativity and New Media

I have never try a second life game or create an avatar. However I like to be creative with Adobe Flash Professional CS6. The program lets you do motions. The objects move the way you want them to move. Think of it like a GIF but you did it. The first picture is all the work behind the moving objects and the video is them moving. This whole thing is only three seconds so have that you are seeing the something.


The internet has given us a lot of things. However, the internet is not the only thing that has a lot to give to us but also new programs that are coming out. People are creative in many different always.
Thanks to YouTube we see millions of people videos that show us creative things. Some people do Do it Yourself (DIY), other play with videos and make us laugh. Programs help us do things like the Adobe Family which includes Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash Professional, and much more. The apps businesses make people more creative. People create games like Angry Birds,Candy Crush, Flappy Bird and much more games. The internet and programs help people with their imagination.
The article  Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. Buy Why? by Brooks Barnes  says that, "The postings (called mash-ups), are made by editing together snippets of animated movies and TV shows. The finished products look like music videos in which the cartoon characters do the singing."
I do not think that companies should be worry about people using their stuff because that is like getting advertised for free. People are so creative that they can make epic things or make people laugh with just six seconds like the users from Vine do. Humans are creative but some times they just need a bit of help.  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

The virtual worlds is a life people have in a computer environment. These world have many purposes to many different people. Some people might use to play video games, other for work and even to study.
The good thing about virtual worlds for a work place according to Going to the virtual office in Second Life by Mark Tutton is that, "use Second Life to hold meeting, conduct training and prototype new technologies more efficiently"
This means that people save time and if you have people in another country. The virtual is a easier way to make friends and get to know people from other place in the world. You can make your own second life. Also people could learn hoe to handle a situation like in hospital. In the article Avatar II: The Hospital by Stephanie Simon is talking about how the virtual world help student to know what to do in a crowd emergency room.
The bad thing about virtual worlds is that some people take it too far. In a episode of the The Big Bang Theory a character called Penny becomes addicted to a game called Age of Conan which is a virtual world. She became so addicted that she does not shower or care about dating.
Maybe some people get addicted to these Virtual World because they might be better than real life. In the virtual world you get to be whomever you want and not worry about it.
Virtual worlds foster creativity promote the development of something that is has real has the real world. In the virtual worlds there are thing that look so real so that people can see that they are in another life.
I think that more people are going to have a life in a virtual world in whatever department.    

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blog about Twitter

A twitter discussion can be compare to a BlackBoard  because you put what you think and you do not hold back.The both discussion are online. The only things is that on BlackBoard the only people that could see it is your classmate but in twitter everyone could see what you are talking about.  In twitter you could retweet what every a person put and is much easier to see what the conversion is about. In a in class discussion there is always that one person that is the leader and does not let others talk.

Social Networking Sites


You have the news feed in the middle and to the right side you have birthdays, trending, Recommended Pages, Sponsored and to the left Favorites, Apps, Friends, Pages, and Groups.
The  latest things are in the middle like suggested post and status of your friends you could sort them by Top Stories or Most Recent. You could chat or messages people.  Nothing much to see but what your friends are doing or liking or changing.


I had Myspace when it first came out and the layout was nice and simple by now the home page is about Music and you do not scroll down but to the side. Their home button is in the bottom left and not in the top right like other social media. There is a thing called connections which I have no idea what is the use of it. It looks like that is more about music. Your notification are in the bottom and you can also messages.
I like the old MySpace better because you could change the layout and do so many things and now I do not know if you could get the layout. 


I feel like is a instant newspaper. The trends are also a way to get info because you know what are people are talking about.  The layout is simple and I like it. You know where the things are. The only thing is that people tweet every second and you get tweets every second. 


Nice and Simple. You post your picture and if your profile is private just your friends can see the picture. The thing I like is the Explore section of Instagram because you can find new people and interested things.Is only picture with caption. There are only four buttons you use. 

I think that the the simplest social media is Instagram and Twitter and they are great to use.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Social Networking

Social Networking is a good way for companies to speak to their customers. I read that on February 14, 2014 1-800-Flowers had a bad day on twitter because customers complained about the flowers. People twitted to 1-800-Flowers and someone answered them and asked them for their information so they can get help. If Twitter it not exist they there would be a lot of phone calls but maybe people be on hold for a long time with no one to talk too. Social Networking is great for a business.

However, social networking is not the best for people. Now the only way people talk to each other is by messages in Facebook, Twitter or other networking site or just text messages. In the article Antisocial Networking? by Hilary Stout she said, “Last week, the Pew Research Center found that half of American teenagers—defined in the study as ages 12 through 17 – send 50 or more text messages a day and that one third send more than 100 a day”  At the age of 12 I did not have a cell phone and was happy. The dark side of this is that kids would not talk to you. I have cousin ages 5 through 13 and they have ipod, ipad or a smartphone. If you want to talk to them, you have to take the device away from them. Thank god that they do not have Facebook or maybe I just do not know because I do not have Facebook.

 I do have Instagram and is “private”. I made it private because I post a lot of picture of my baby cousins and I think only the people I know should see them. In the article, Facebook Privacy Is SoConfusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private by Rebecca Greenfield wrote, “Thus demonstrating one of the more confusing privacy settings on Facebook. Randi has indicated that she only wants her friends to see photos that she has posted. But the way Facebook works, friends of your friends tagged in a photo album also see the entire roll, unless you choose otherwise in the settings of the album posted” I think that might be the same in Instagram because if people like something I could see the picture but that is about it and I think we should not be surprise because Instagram belong to Facebook.

The future is going to be different by we would not talk to be face to face any more that would be go for some people but for society itself is not. I think we should make this generation less adapter to technology.