Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Next New Thing

I feel like everything has a social networking page. We have the social networking to connect with friends and then we have Linkedin for jobs. We have a lot of social networking pages and I think we do not need any more because people are getting to addictive to it. However, I think there should be a page where people can share movies, tv shows and more but this will cause problems with copyrights. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Our Class Wiki - So Far

Well I created a page called TV Shows because I think that right now TV shows are very big in social networking because if you do not see you TV show people can ruined for you on different social networking pages. I just started to work on it but this the page is only to give a small summary of the TV show. If you can please help me with the page. Also I added one thing on the Fashion page. If anyone knows how to put a picture?

P2P File Sharing

File sharing is you putting a document up and letting other people use it.
Is like sharing something to your friends but online is to everyone. 
P2P file sharing is peer to peer which is the supplier and consumer with no need
for a centralized coordination by servers. Some examples of P2P file sharing are BitTorrent, Kazaa, Shareaza, Ares, and Limewire but there are more out there.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Advice to Baruch College

I think that every class should have a YouTube channel. Some people do not understand the topic and there is not tutoring for all the classes in Baruch. Baruch does use iTunes U but just have videos but it can be for much more. iTunes U is also like Blackboard but most teacher do not use it so any other media they can use is the iTunes U Course Manager. I think the new media should be easy to use unlike the new e-mail page and also you should only change it once in a while not ever semester. I think theses are some suggestions I would make to get better use of new media